This is my second time around being married. I got married the first time at...

19 and it fell apart and became the ugliest divorce you would want to hear about. The court battles are ongoing, and the ex is after me for more child support every single year, despite the fact that she is re-married to a millionaire and I pretty much scrape by after what I already pay her. That's not so bad. I can deal with her bullshit and its not like I want to skip out on child support anyway. The worst part is I found a girlfriend a few years ago and right when I'd decided it was time to move on she got pregnant. Not being able to afford (as in I'd be homeless if I tried) child support on two fronts, I married this woman. Now, she's not a bad person. We co-exist fine in the same house, but I'd rather just not be married. Truth to tell, I'd rather not deal with women at all, relationship wise. I'm 40 years old and it just doesn't seem worth it to me anymore. Relationships are more headache than joy to me. So basically I stay married because its easier. I don't hate my wife, I just don't love her either. I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing. I know she'd become a blight on my life if we got a divorce though. She doesn't work, and she'd come after me for every penny she could get. I have a higher income than I did when we first got married, but it wouldn't matter, the court would just order me to pay more because of it, plus I'd have the original ex to deal with... So basically I'm stuck. I hate being married, I hate the day to day work of it, every single day I dream of being free of it. In the meantime I go through the motions. I tell my wife I love her, etc, but its all lies. I take her on the occasional date, buy her flowers, all to keep her quiet. If I'm going to suffer through this the last thing I want to hear is her bullshit about not being loved enough. Welcome to my life, lady. Things don't always work out the way we want. I'll leave if you promise not to come after me for every penny I have, but of course you would, because you're "entitled" to it even though you aren't willing to go get a job yourself. Yeah fuck that. If I'm going to have to deal with that, you're going to have to deal with the loveless marriage. If you don't like it, YOU can walk. That will probably make the whole thing more affordable. Yep, that's my life. I hope this little rant falls into the hands of anyone considering marriage, because there's a really good chance that when the love runs out (and it will) you'll be in this exact same position.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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