I'm a 33 yo div mom. My 7 yr old wets his bed pretty often,...

basically since I divorced his dad a little over 3 yrs ago, and the smell has always turned me on when he comes to my bed at night after he wakes up because of it and when I change his linens in the morning. For the past couple of months on occasion I have waited to change his sheets until he left for his school and before I do, I lie down on his bed and wet it agin myslef, masterbating furiously. He of course does not like that he wets the bed and I of course try to console him and say it will pass soon, but I secretely hope it doesn't pass so soon. Summer means no school so I havn't done it in his bed in a few weeks because he is home more, so I have done it in my own a few times. Luckily he has not come to my room the nights I have done it myself. I have also wet my pants a few times too now. Its just a turn on to let it go and get soaked in my jeans or sweats when standing in the kitchen, my room, or even in the car when driving. I like the warmth and wet feeling of my jeans almost as much as the sheets on the bed and because its kind of naughty in itself just to do it especially in different places. One benefit is I now drink lots of water and juices and have lost 15 lbs since February. Maybe I can lose the next 15 I want to lose by end of summer. :)

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜˜ Lets hug šŸ”„ Go to hell!
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