I am goingto be a very very lonely old lady unlike my old bitch of...

a mother who has had a daughter to run after her while all she has ever done is tell me "no quality hot man is ever going to want a loser spastic dog like you" all the time. I think she is a selfish mental ill bitch who needs a kcik up her face with the self denial bullying she pushed on to me with her fucking catholic cunts cumsquat bitches, some they helped get married to single men others they didn't and none of us know their criteriea for who they helped and why they helped. no one from the church helped me find a proper husband or career. the church let down a lot of girls in my generation and this old witch bitch here with its finger up like a cock very very selfish woman expecting her daughter to give up her education and dreams of marriage and children and career and house of my own for this old tyrant slag that selfishly sleeps while I am stressed out all the time over if I will die and she used to say to me "I am glad I have made men think your a dyke"" what mother says that to their child? I have tried to get away from the old slag and everytime no one has believed me that she and my father have attacked me often. she was always telling me men would only rape me and dump on me and abuse me and treat me like I was her little dwarf size ! this spastic little woman that has abused me senseless. and I don't really want to her on any cruise I want to take a hot guy and I don't want to see ugly ken or anyone getting in my way or I will up and bash them I do weights and I have big chest to bash and intimidate see katy wouldnt take on bec because she was too fat and big she picked on me and she wouldn't want to now I crush her skull! these spastic selfish bullying self pitying mongrel cunt women and their cunt activity needing dick and cutting down others. katy should have been bashed back she should have been attacked back, ken should have been raped back by a bunch of gays, its not my fault his lazy wife can't satisfy his criminal sexual impulses and all the affairs he had before he met me the man is a loser spastic its as simple as that. bunnypoeta wanted to rape him with a stick up the ass! I hope he did.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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