like my relatives are probably just laughing at my illnesses and abuse issues, that is...

all they ever did was laugh at us, they made fun of my sister at her wedding reception and yet when its them its like "you have to be quiet and be thoughtful and so understanding" they are suffering and all this poor them you have to be like "I am so sorry you going through this" and show them love and yet when anything bad happens to me like being bashed or attacked just walking to university or the car accidents and the child sexual abuse or date rape - its all one big joke to them. sue laughs at others and yet we were all considerate to her about her childrens disabilities etc same with other relatives, they think its funny that I don't have a husband and they ruined my life and career and health and think its all one big joke, I can't relate to that. to me that is satanic. its just evil. that is why mum said I don't have to forgive them for what they did and how they didn't help me when I was being abused as a child and some of them knew. or with later stuff. mum said i don't have to forgive them.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ¶ Woof!
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