wang said "don't worry about your illness, it will get better" being the expert on...

everything that he is- ?? - I said sure well I think I will find another doctor then, thankfully not all asians have your attitude. don't worry about having a clean house. don't worry about all the stuff like clothes and junk you buy piling up all around you so much you can't move in the house. I leave the house to avoid looking at the junk. all I need is a roof somewhere far away from the cold night air- oh wouldn't it be lovely! to have a nice clean house and a husband and someone to care about me, and give me a lot of me and love time! break even time, holiday time, over time pay packet, social time, I can't wait to meet so many people I am so sad and lonely, I want to meet so many people and shake their hand and I went to aged homes and held crying old mens hands and went away sad at night alone crying for them, and the disability people. fuck me life is a bucket of shit. when I am sick I can only really think of myself. my needs for once- my surviving cancer and desperate to have a baby- can men sense my desperateness to be free of a nutter like ken and find a husband and go on some cruises and holidays and meet fun new people. I want to meet lots of people and be liked. would that offend anyone? I want sex and love. I want a man to protect me and love me. I want a clean house and all my clothes and shoes and hats and bags and things in order, I want a big kitchen -I am sick of a pokey little peebox of a kitchen. I want a big garden and space to have fun outside without neighbors gwarking.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ˜² OMG NO!
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