you want my honest opinion about poofters and gay scum marrying legally, its a joke,...

they are not equal. they are taking away and infringing on my rights and poofterism is not normal. I hate the sight of all that non-sense. I will never support gay marriage the older I am getting the more harsh I am getting because people have been to me. if the gays supported my cause more so that I can get married to a hot rich man who I can like and have children and job and equality as a single disability women then I might support the dirty poofters and lesodogs, but the way I see it what Shorten says is stupid, it might be the century it is - and there are more important issues then a bunch of poofters marry and having babies. like its also 2017 and people are still dying of serious illnesses and other peoples rights are being infringed every day. they can't express themselves or have love - those who are on welfare or disability, isolated and ignored by society for NOT BEING GAY, who long to be married and have children like me, we just long to be normal. so if my rights are neglected why should some poofter be able to marry and wear my wedding dress when I have not been allowed to, its almost as if there is some reverse minimalistic mumbo-jumbo going on - the weirder you are they seem to think they have more rights, the dirty vulgar manner that gay people talks is sickening. and I now regret deeply in 1997 saying that having kids or being a good person was not about sexuality because for some stupid reason people took that to mean I wanted the pendulum to swing right around so no hetro singles were marrying and having babies and that is not what I meant at all. I have since made the decision that gay people should be allowed to have kids, it will mess up the children. I have rights and I am more important than a bunch of dirty poofters. so if they don't support my issues like being a victim of child sexual abuse and wanting a husband and child and my special wedding day I will not support the dirty poofters and lesodogs, I have female people I admire that does not mean I want to fuck them, I want a men for that and a decent one ! not the scum I had before. not helping others til others help me! not forgiving others til others forgive me!

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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