At one point, as I was gawking at him from afar, he glanced over at...

me and have me a flirty smile. I know it shouldn't have but it got me all worked up. I finished my workout, hit up the sauna, showers and lockers. I was just about ready to leave when he "accidentally" bumped into me (knocking my purse, Iphone and gym bag to the floor). He apologized and we flirted for a few seconds but before he handed my phone back, he stopped, swiped it, dialed a number and held the phone to his ear. I hear a ringing from his pocket now. He picks up his own phone and starts to have a sarcastically witty conversation with himself about the cute girl he just met at the gym (me).

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜² OMG NO!
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