i send a long poetic email about how much i love him and care...

for him and want to see him smile. After i wrote it and send it to him i always feel relieved. Thinking that now he know someone actually care for him. The next day i met him he always more cheerful and talked to me more than he usually do. I was happy and started doing it more. Until one day i checked his facebook and found out that i've been sending wrong email to wrong address. All the email i've sent to him has never been read by him because i sent it to wrong address. It's still mystery for me how come he was happier after i send him email, probably just suggestion. But i still happy i wrote off my feelings.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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