my right foot often goes numb around the pinky toe and top of foot when...

we go out and when I sit on the train my tailbone can be so painful when I stand up. its been worse this year but a few years ago it was shocking. I got regular cramps in the legs cuz of infection and my legs and lungs were so weak. I had to have physio on my lungs a few times to cough it out and it was hell. then when I had the tetanus needle i got well, what felt like how i think wet brain would feel. its terrifying the sinuses in the brain were crazy. I don't ever want to go through it ever again. its a nightmere all from infection, so I take olive leaf oil and garlic horseradish and c capsules and make my mum take them, i take a few different tonics.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ¶ Woof!
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