this kid who broke his back and his family abused me, are taking out a...

hate campaign on me just because when he was a child him and I were cuddling and I rubbed against him and people called him my little boyfriend. I was molested as a child. but I do not feel bad about what I did as I was just doing the games that older kids did to me and the molester did to me, I never cut him, never raped him, never cut off his penis, never bit him, he used to want all my lunch and fish fingers and I had to feed him sometimes as a baby and I was about 5 years older then him at the most. I am sick of this little spoilt rich jerk getting indulgences and picking on me, when I did nothing wrong to him. touching and kissing and cuddling or even rubbing up against a friend with clothing on is not the same as rape or anything like so dirty. he as his family always do over exaggerate everything, I didn't run him over in a car. I didn't cause his illness or accident or death. I can't be to blame for his wheelchair life when he was 17 when I only knew him when I was 5-8 at the most. I didn't cause his injuries and death. etc. I used to take him for walks and feed him and sleep with him and have naps in afternoon and watch tv and I don't feel guilty for a once off event that was just cuddling in with a boyfriend for nap at the age of 6 or something. its purely heresay to him as he can't remember it. and I can't even say that I wanted to harm him. it was just a game like the games we played and I didn't get sexual pleasures from it I didn't know what all that was anyway. I am sick of this pissup bankrupt shitty swilling family who con scam and fraud their way around and full of shit trying to make out that the man who molested me harmed them more then me. they were so rich and ripped off people without a care. they are so used to getting their way in everything. I just wish they would all fuck off ! same with dirty vye, and b... and the dutch at the back tonga blob slob and take their shit and piss off. we had nothing to do with them after 1979. I was 8 and their grandmother was an actress faking alcoholism, I can see the con game they were playing at the whole time now. she deliberately left her kids with us round the pedo to suck off us and cash in on something like a heap of others did, after money and cock. well fuck you scammers. your done. I am not taking your bullying sick dirty games anymore. your disgusting. and that townsville tart hairdressor for ballet stars can go shove her fertility whoring as if that is attractive. when she is so motely ugly trash who abused me! and she also had an affair with heaps of men. living out of scamming. its not my fault the kid died. she was a awful mother. vye knows too. at the punting shreds games she does.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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