Former friend lying to people about her sexuality I hope I don't offend anyone with this...

but this is just I how I feel There's a girl I used to know and we used to be very close friends. She "came out" as a lesbian and said that I was her "inspiration" for doing so. Now this girl has a bad habit of letting people tell her how she should be and how she should live her life. THIS fact is why she thinks she's a lesbian. I used to talk about my sexuality (I was bisexual at the time) with her a lot but I never realized that I was forcing that thought on her. Well, this girl has had a lot of boyfriends. One of the guys she dated was my piece of shit ex-boyfriend who tried manipulating me into committing suicide. I got in contact with her last boyfriend (who was a mutual friend) and learned why they broke up. She was trying to get him to have sex with her which he did not want. She was also drawing sexual images of them with her as a fox and him as a wolf (she's a huge furry btw). Once they broke up, she cried about it to her mom (who is a major psychopath) and she started threatening him. Yes, her mom threatened him for breaking up with her daughter. Moving along. TL;DR I know for a fact that my former friend is lying to people about her sexuality because she wants people to like her and to think of her as this great person (when she's not). This shit has given her an ego, and talks shit about me and her ex-boyfriend knowing we can't do anything about it. She has a girlfriend but I have seen her flirting with many guys on Facebook. I have tried so hard to try and talk her to but she declines my message requests because she KNOWS I'm going to confront her about this. It's NOT okay to lie about your sexuality so people will accept you. I wish I never talked to her about my sexuality because it created a goddamn monster

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ˜² OMG NO!
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