I have to be tested for all the hepatitis group illnesses and I keep putting...

off the blood test. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrJqLB07zC8 so the wedding dress I bought has a look to it that is a cross between a satin collared white shirt long sleeve with a large bow to the side that is rather 1940s looking to me, and I want to place over the skirt a lace creamy ivory shade so its a cross between this video at counter 1.22 and 2.02 and with a long veil and I have a very victorian lace dress that I would definately where some long pale cami dress under it in ivory and it has a floral lace trim long veil both very pretty. I only hope if I can't wear them some one wonderful can make justice of the dresses as they deserve but I still hope that person secretly is me! lol.....i do have some pride even for a well known martyr of enjoyment and love, well I am not really I just have never found any man good enough who will play the part I want him to play. they try to or think they are and they are not, they do stupid yobo things and the opposite of what I am about.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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