I would get to the checkout and start shaking literally and heart racing at the...

idea of having to swipe my card and I didn't really want to spend. I literally gave up study because everywhere I went even when i had cancer I was bullied, even when i had several mini strokes and mini heart attacks I was bullied, at the hospital, colleges in brisbane and tafe and I blame david bowie for most of that, the man is a complete demon ass hole for what he and his whores did to me and same with charlie sheen and his that slut melanie vettel and sabstine the race car driver where bullying me the whole time, not one person ever cared about me, that i was raped, or bashed and so on. no one real friend for ages then the friends I made just abused me last year and they were fakers, I could never have a friend like kelly or anita or lisa really those churches were so hurtful unhelpful - whatever people give to me they always take and never give genuinely with some compassionate care or heart. all my life this has been my life. our house is like being buried alive, I was buying things to renovate and we have white ants eating the house out and i have no bedroom my room is sky high of clothing and rubble and crockery, perfume and its stuff that came too late to me, like everything in my life. everything has always come too late, no one cares deliberately to the point they wear me out with everything. its been that way with relationships and I wanted to be a mother and married when I was 23 I was at university and spent most of my time studying judges decisions and legal cases and loved it but then people started telling me, oh no this is not you. you need to do xyz but not law not motherhood not be loved. sorry if I don't understand. so I went shopping and it shut the bastards up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuKzXssnjEg

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ”„ Go to hell!
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