last night was hard I had migraine most of the day and wobbly and blood...

sugar going crazy and very upset and angry at college ignoring my questions and my dad's drinking and my mothers health issues and she bruised herself badly. my father is a mongrel person to know, and I would think better of them if I was allowed a relationship like normal people have, and were relatives butted out of my life. I am annoyed about the knife found in the yard making me terrified and yesterday was so uneasy. I was sick and worried all the time about my health. worried about mums health and dads and my pets. worried over money. worried over everything and disappointed in life. I don't even care about ken annoying me anymore. one day the loser will fuck off and get the message and I will be free of a spastic loser who pretends to be heart broken and a poor battled beaten man. his wife anne is a lazy spastic criminal as much as him and the both should be murdered off together for crimes against everything! I still love and adore other men and always will. I have a new men I adore and some others as well. its my lack of income and work that keeps me from being around and meeting the types of men I want to be with.

By Anonymous on General,

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