Consoling friend’s grieving mother in strange circumstances Consoling friend’s grieving mother in strange circumstances Life is more...

dramatic than drama Some events appear to be abnormal crazy, extraordinary, diabolic, taboo, unethical, unbelievable, and even perverted and unacceptable to societal norms. Analyzing the behavior of people involved in such incidents without bias opens a door and reveals human psyche. The persons in the story happen to fulfill their inner psychological need and physical desire the basic instinct in peculiar circumstances. Some people may call it animal instinct and indecent but the desire to satisfy hidden, craving physiological need erupts despite all reasoning, logic, traditions, religious beliefs, and possible consequences. Love and romance made them happy and consequently lead a normal satisfied life without guilty complex. The story is based on real life incidents. Names changed for obvious reasons. However, the essence of what happened described in detail revealing the inner thoughts and feelings of the people involved. There are erotic moments described in detail wherever necessary to reveal their inner psyche.

By Anonymous on General,

😍 Lovely! 🐶 Woof!
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