I read a lot of these confessions usually just the sexy ones. my folks are...

getting a divorce and i looked up divorce on this one and I found one called Family Secret by a mom who sexed her kid to get custody of him and it was so hot I jerked off 3 times in one day. I sugested it to my mom and she slapped me and called me sick but when she thought about how much she hated my dad she agreed with some conditions. we only get to do it one sunday a month my birthday and holidays. first time was christmas and i made her c** 2 times she says dad never made her c**. she says i'm a good kisser too. we're also going to do it on new years and the sunday after that. I was scared at first now I'm h**** about it.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜† OMG YES! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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