I've never wanted my best friend to be I've never wanted my best friend to be...

happy. It's ridiculous, but I would always get this bittersweet pleasure whenever she didn't get something she wanted. Though, when she gets the boys [and believe me, they keep coming], I'd always feel so...unsatisfied. I always wish my friends would hate her, because she's far more fun than me. The only reason why they'd hate is because she's not a very good friend. She's notorious for stealing boys and being a "w****" [although, I would never call her that], and banging up trusts. It's crazy, but I had to get it out there. Call me a bad person. A bad friend. I do her no wrong. I just think wrong. And I am already ashamed of that.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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