the internet is not helping anyone really, there are no good sites to meet friends...

or dating sites. there are not good job sites either. I just use it mostly for study and checking bank account or places to go and phone numbers and I rarely buy products online. its become a useless medium no one makes friends on the net anymore. most people got off facebook and there is just no friends site or dating site where I have made one genuine friend to meet up in the city etc. the internet does not help people. I can't see how its helping anyone have a better life as far as all its supposed to live up to, it does not connect people at all. I left a lot of social sites like fb and meetup and eventbrite, seek and so on. there is no one getting jobs or making real friends on the net anymore. you don't make friends at the churches or locally unless you go out grogging like a whore and looking like your a nutter female. I see a lot of guys not even looking at slim hooker girls as well. they just ignore them. people just don't want to be nice anymore so I do it back to a lot of people I have blocked heaps of people on emails. no one is worth caring about anymore. life is just a bucket of shit.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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