people are only going to hate you for your privilege and money and prestige -...

that was why I deliberately lived like a nun all through my teens and young adult life because I knew people in this town hated us for what we had or what they thought we had in winning lotto and the flower farms etc - and what you saw was all fake. I could tell without speaking or within a few minutes and I make up my mind and judge people a lot and once I suspect a shithead I never trust again. that is why I have dumped a lot of doctors and a lot of friends and a lot of men, I dumped relatives and business friends once they betrayed me and I never forgave, I was never ever a forgiving person deep down but I think the catholic nuns had too much of a learning on me because they taught us under the scope all the time of bullshit forgivenss and this rubbish and I made the mistake of feeling sorry for too many people who abused me when I should have punished and hated them with deep contempt and did back to them what they did to me. I didn't learn to mirror quickly enough now. I have been rude to people and said very sarcastic things sometimes when I can get away with it even in public openly! I have learnt to play these certain dirty pscyholigists females and certain doctors who dont live up to the standards I expect and they know what the world expects of them, they take the oath to do no harm, so it primary remains with them to be obediant to the word or god teachers them will get them as they have played me and yeh you learn to look with contempt and re-evaluated the scum around you.

By Anonymous on General,

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