courtney is a hooker I have seen her face on a porn film when she...

was younger it has to be her. she is a real little old ugly manxi witch. she is not hot either and the husband is a loser. she acts so slutty common and bushy and blokey and yobo and wiggles that ass like a dog on heat and no one but a idiot would shag her. she is trouble on a dogs dick. I hate her so much and Iwish they were not here in this street. I want to move to a better place. I bet she has taken a bribe alright and I would like to find her in a bad place she is so creepy. i hate my neighbors I hate them and their halloween satanic evil... well that went well insulting people.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜† OMG YES! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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