Comming to work on drugs I had a horrible low paying job as an ambulance driver...

for a mental hospital when I was going to college nights. I had two co workers who were not worth a damn and who made a bad job overall much worse. One guy didn't show up on time, took more than the alotted time on break and left early. Sometimes he failed to even show up. The other guy was worse if thats possible. He had seven children living with him and his wife and he was trying to live off of our very horrible salary. One day the guy with the kids came in on some drug. He apparently got the idea that he was a sort of supernatural being and he wanted to start his own religion. He fancied himself "the black messiah" His religion was apparently based on free sexual love and drugs. One day he came to work and announced that he was never comming to work there again. Big loss. He was on the way to being fired anyway. When the summer rolled around I put in a two weeks notice and quit myself. I eventually got another better job but I never forgot those days.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜† OMG YES! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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