First of all, fuck you Ian you fat pompous twat. This company is fucked up....

I’ve had enough of every one of you. The company’s logo should be ‘I’m alright Jack’. So called supervisors and managers don’t give a fuck about the bullshit and hard work that you have to go through just to get the fucking job done but hey, as long as they’re ok. This place is a fucking mess. I’m going very soon, job or no job and you can do the work yourselves, if you’re capable. Better still, get some other mug to put up with this bullshit, while you sit on your arses not giving a fuck about anyone else, that would suit you better. The future IS bright, knowing that you need me more than I need you. Bring on the bad attitude meetings!

By Anonymous on General,

😘 Lets hug 😈 I love it *Grin!
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