I am a musician. I actively pursue making music, and while it has been far...

too long, I look forward to being in a band again at some point. My wife, who didn't know me last time I was actually in a band plays basic guitar. She has a cheap acoustic and likes to sit around playing parts of Beatles songs, which she takes as qualifying her as a working musician. I recently had a chance to jam with a group of friends who are considering starting a hard rock based band. The morning of the jam I got together my basic gear and had it ready to load into my car for the event. My wife, who NEVER gets up early, got up, showered dressed all nice and was generally in the way constantly as I was trying to get ready. As I got ready to take my amp out, she walked to the door with her guitar and set it down. I asked her what she was doing...and she said, "Going to jam.". Surprised, I asked with who?. She sad, "You". She doesn't like hard rock, can't play hard rock, won't play electric, doesn't like the people in the group I was going to meet. I was dumbstruck and said,> But you aren't invited. It's an audition for ME, and nobody else.". She got all bent out of shape and started a huge fight. Of course, it lasted conveniently until an hour after my time to jam so I missed it entirely. The group now figures my wife is too weird and will interfere with me anyway, so I don't get another chance. GREAT. This is like the third or fourth time she has started a fight when I was heading to do something important (like a job interview for a much better job....). This is SO OVER AND DONE. She's a nut case. She can stay at home with her damn cat, old Beatles BS and spend the rest of her life being offended at anything that doesn't agree with her community college level of Humanities degree education. She'll never amount to anything, and I hope she has screwed my chances of doing the things I have worked so hard to achieve. She is just so weird.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ¶ Woof!
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