I gave up asking my sister or brother to come on a cruise with us....

I asked my brother to come up to the whitsundays and he acted like he was insulted. I just don't ask anymore. My sister won't do anything for anyone's birthday or go anywhere unless its all about her so I don't bother asking. Obviously my brothers wife won't let him do things with his family without her around his apron strings. I know friends of mine their wives and family go places without their partners sometimes. I just didn't go to parties because I felt so awful around relatives who keep asking stupid questions. and I was told by many people I met who had been in the land army at my course, its a complete myth and lie, that everyone has this perfect life and most people actually don't complete degrees or school or have many friends and love. this guy from the army he worked his way up to higher levels but he was devastated when his girlfriend was dead after a night out partying and he never got over it. he said to me, most people you went to school with most don't get far in life. I never been asked to any reunion to know. its funny how complete strangers are more happy to be a friend to you sometimes and they were like "I can't believe no one wanted to go on holiday with you when you asked them?" rus never asked me. even frank didn't seem committed even though he said he wanted to get engaged but it was all talk - well in writing I am sure his sister wrote the letter. once the course finished we never seen each other again. like always.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜† OMG YES! šŸ”„ Go to hell!
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