I keep myself hidden... ... because I don't feel I can really trust anyone. I have...

a few friends I "trust" more than anyone else, and I still hide all but a little bit of myself from them. I never wanted children and can only tolerate most of them. I was thrilled when I found out I might never be able to get pregnant again. I've wanted to move away and disappear for almost my entire life, but not sure where to go or how to afford it. (Have it narrowed to 3 places though.) If I had a few million dollars, I'd volunteer my time doing something I want to do that makes a difference, live how I want to live and never work again. I think my mother was involved in my father's death, but have no idea why I've always thought this. I feel like I was only born to give the rest of my family someone to blame, look down on and take their frustrations or anger out on. I called the police on my ex for his own protection, but can not tell him because it would put my life in danger.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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