I occasionally let my dog eat me out. But lately nothing has been enough. So...

I was scrolling through craigslist ads (a hobby of mine) and I had never replied o any but this time was different. I replied to a guy in his thirties, he's married and is looking for a little something on the side. Now, we've been talking for a while and he writes me erotic stories and has promised me a d**** of my own as long as I use in in front of him for the first time. He and I send each other nudes and now he wants to meet up. The whole point of replying to the ad was to get his c*** in me, but now I'm kinda nervous. I'm not a virgin or anything, but I'm still worried haha what should I do?

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜† OMG YES! šŸ¶ Woof!
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