I really miss psychedelics... I really miss the feeling of tripping on psychedelics. I used to...

do acid, mushrooms, dmt, and the like at least once a month. Some trips were good and some were bad, but I always came away feeling like I had really expanded my mind, like people used to say in the 60s. Later on I became addicted to heroin, the greatest and at the same time worst drug ever. The feeling is magical, but the price of constantly feeling sick is too much to handle. I got clean once and then relapsed, I am currently sober several years, although I am still on methadone. I would not ever like to become a heroin addict again, but I miss the trips on psychedelics so badly. I am with a wonderful woman and my life is on track, but I can't help but feel like something is missing. I have a genius level intellect and I can't help but feel that I need some form of intellectual release. Psychedelics used to give it to me but even if I wanted to I have no place to trip safely anymore. I miss my friend and partner in my adventures, you are so close and yet so far... but most of all I miss the trips... I think I will relapse on down again soon if I can't take an acid trip to put everything in perspective. Perspective is what I'm missing. Why are psychedelics vilified? They have so much to offer. A store near me sells San Pedro cactus and DMT containing roots. I think I will take a trip as soon as I can find a safe place to do it and a safe person to do it with. Don't think me a weakling or a monster if you haven't walked my path...the leeener here. when I take them I do it all so I ticked all the boxes I do.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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