I'm giving up on myself and it hurts I guess some people think this is...

stupid because I'm young and got my whole life ahead of me but I keep thinking what life? I'm hopeless there is no one here to trust and I feel so damm lonely I cry myself to sleep every night I am not pretty and certainly am fat I doubt that I'll ever be loved I gues that is why now I just see t.v. and try to forget about the world I live in and I try a lot to not give up but I'm sick of trying I am weak yes I have been through a lot but that doesn't make me stronger but makes me weaker. A lot of people should just say your stupid get off your lazy ass and do something be different but I can't. You know how people say every one who is born has a reason why they are here in the world but I don't see my reason here I sometimes wish I wasn't born its funny because this year was supposed to be different for me now that I'm finally 16 but my birthday I spent it alone no cake special food just for me or even spend time with my family I guess I expected to much for my 16 th year of life. But this time I feel alone no one around me.

By Anonymous on General,

😇 I Forgive you! 😜 Thats hot
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