This is my real confession please comment and offer advice. I work full time minimum...

wage 40 hours a week it's nonstop work and I come home so tired and depressed. Every month I budget but my bills keep going up and up so I'm in debt every month! This has made me addicted to looking at p*** for release and when I go to sleep at night I wish I could never wake up. I just bought a pair of shoes for work that's how poor I am my old ones falling to bits and I have like two shirts for work. My family is really poor apart from my brother he has managed to get really well off! My brother is rich, quite well off, just finished a job for government and had 200 people below him. He is marrying a rich Jewish woman who works for Israeli government and she is paid even more than him! Anyway he is converting to be Jewish and having a rich Jewish wedding in France in a few months. I have refused to go as he hasn't helped me once and I believe actions speak louder than words. Last year I was so depressed I learnt to drive in my spare time to achieve something... As my life was just eat sleep work. Lessons cost a lot but I saved up. He didn't help with one lesson. Nor when I bought an old car he didn't help. Then when it broke down he still didn't help! He expects me to attend his rich Jewish wedding, where the family are ridiculously rich and they are all staying in 1000 a night hotel rooms yet I'm poor and he doesn't help me. Do you think he is selfish? I refuse to attend as I said he could atleast try to help with my electricity bill or anything. He said he will pay for me but obhiously not to stay in a nice hotel. Also he said he COULD help me but why should he give money for free to his brother? He told me I could run his Twitter account for him and be paid and sent me all lists of things he needs doing but I said I work full time I get tired in evenings. He acted like I don't know what responsibility is and he is all wise trying to teach me to earn money etc I work full time and he said 8 hours a day is nothing but has he tired working in a crap job? Our parents are also poor and there roof is leaking they are elderly and have nothing he doesn't help them. Yet he has a lavish wedding. Do you think it's cruel he doesn't just help people? I can't work two jobs I'm depressed and if he gave me a full time job I would do it but expecting me to work for him on my evenings off is too much.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜˜ Lets hug šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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