I hate hypocrites! Don't you just love it when people do things to you that...

they would be PISSED at you for doing to them, yet they expect you to be okay with it when they do them to you? They always then follow it with "Oh, you don't understand, this is different", when in fact, it's not different at all. The only thing making it "different" is that they live by a different set of rules than everyone else and expect to be excused for the same things they would flip shit over if anyone did them to them. For example, the atheists or religious people who try to shove their views down other people's throats, yet become enraged at even the thought of someone doing it to them. It's not okay to tell them to believe or not believe in something, yet when the tables are turned and it's them doing the preaching, you're expected to be okay with it. Speaking of this religious/anti-religious crap, why don't people just believe what they want and shut the hell up about it? I don't even understand why people become so irritated by other people not having the same beliefs as them and not being a bother about it. No one is forcing them to change their beliefs. Also, people who continually arrive at places exceptionally late (think 30+ minutes), yet ring your phone off the hook and flip their lids on you if you are running five minutes behind. They have every nonsensical excuse in the book for why it's okay for them to be late, but they'd be pissed at you even if you had a valid reason for running a few minutes behind. Then there's the political hypocrites. The ones who try to shove their political views down your throat, even when you ask them to stop multiple times, yet become infuriated if someone does it to them and feel like they're being oppressed. My personal favorite, however, has to be the people who want the freedom of spouting off their opinions and preach tolerance and acceptance, yet want to silence anyone with differing opinions and are anything but tolerant and accepting of anyone with different beliefs than them. I mean, it is one thing to not be okay with someone who condones things like rape, murder, animal abuse, etc., but when it comes to things that aren't absolutely extreme, there's no reason to condemn someone based on their beliefs and then expect everyone to accept you regardless of yours.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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