my brother used to be a nice person but always hot headed and arrogant and...

sexist, male power orientated but he does all the looking after the kids and I fear his wife will end up leaving him and she will fry everyone for some young cock as she has fried a lot of people. joyce must have pitied her and decided to bully me and my sister and I don't believe she was raped at all. not like I was she wasn't sexually abused as a child either like me. this woman fries everyone around her, so selfish and she wonders why we don't want anything to do with her, but she created it and started the bullying and abuse against me and my sister and my parents seen it for themselves. she has no religion in her other herself. she became weirder and weirder as the years went on and saying stupid things that didn't make sense to me and my sister hurting our feelings all the time to the point we all just stopped wanting to know her or talk to her she became a snob when she got her degree but she was always a rich bitch snob pretending to be poor. a lot of people do this and joyce was so dumb to it. my sister and I were trying to sell ourselves up with less money and less confidence and less support. joyce just took. took took. never gave. I got a friend to check for me one time cuz joyce said i could put her on a resume as a reference and she talked down about me and talked her way into a job over me, and i knew she would do that to me. my friend said "she is a bad person she has robbed you of a better fairer life", now I literally have no one on my resume as a reference, I will not even ask former bosses for one or anyone.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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