well well, I am struggling through this courses and its the cost more then anything...

breaking me down. I never dreamed for a second I would be living in this shit at 45. I hate the people who did this to me. I hope they pay big time. I don't want to have to repeat another degree unless its a dam easy one and to my liking and mostly I would like a schollarship. I asked a teacher for advice and next to useless. I feel like I am worthless and looked at as simple. sorry I asked him at all. I will learn from that mistake. learn to just shut up and say zero. be like maria and joke about it all. when they ask "what are ya studying" say "I actually don't know", giggle giggle. giggler more. Then say, "you tell me I haven't worked it out yet", giggle giggle again! and end it. why do any one need to know what I do as if they care to help me.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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