Bitches Needa Stop So there is this this one girl in pretty much all of...

my classes. Yes, maybe last year I did one thing to piss her off but that day I was being a stubborn bitch and I'll admit it. but this year I haven't done shit to her and yet she has the nerve to pick on me. I'm friends with someone and known them most of my life and yet another bitch has the nerve to come up and say shes better friends and that why would anybody want to be friends with me I'm a little bitch and people are only friends with me because they feel bad for me and shit. BITCHHHHHH I know I may not be popular and shit and that I don't have many friends but at least I'm not a stuck up snob who talks shit about people to drag them down so they can be on the top. Sorry if I offended you i dont know how I could but sorry if I did.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ”„ Go to hell!
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