My small dirty business I was 16 when I had the best girl friend. She was...

16 aswell, we were both virgins. After a couple months, we had lost out virginities and were f****** daily. I was poor and needed money for weed. When I showed this small video to my best friend he had a idea for making money. The video was her giving me head, but I had a condom on, after she proceeded to drink my sperm from the condom. She told me how she loved my c**, and would drink it anytime. My mate gave me $50 if he could j*** off in a condom, then get her to drink it on cam. I pretended I jerked off at her house then handed the condom over. She very hungrily drank it up. Needless to say, I was a bit concerned over kissing her after. For the following couple of months we were together, I had 4 other friends, who constantly gave me condoms for her to drink. I made good money from it, and when I found out she cheated on me, I got as much guys as I could to j*** off and collected all the c**. I gave it to her as a gift saying I collected it all over the weekend. She drank it all, maybe a small cups worth. Some of the guys had a couple of stds just for her sake.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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