i can't eat too much pshyllium I get choking from it, I can't eat much...

dough and breads I get constipation from them - white bread and corn flakes I can't eat them, sough dough bread I can't eat, pizza I can't eat scones I can't eat too much of I get similar things. I can't eat too much fats and meats. I have to watch my sodium levels with my medications, I have often low blood pressure since having what felt like a heart attack but we are supposed to preent it was not a heart attack because the hopsital wouldn't tell the truth it it came up and slammed them and bashed them into telling the truth anyway. I don't believe the hospital records and pathology, its just science and science is not alway good science!

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ¤” Not that bad šŸ”„ Go to hell!
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