bcra bayfm took me down into poverty out of their jealousy, I guess they wanted...

us girls on our arses too like joyce said. other people with comfortable retired lives and jobs and kids while I have nothing. tetley was to blame for a lot of that and others. well, I am way too vendictive and restentful and full of hate for that lot and every other person who tried to pull a swifty on us. it was none of their business, I would like to see what money they got from family and see them with nothing too! and I hope their kids can't get work or find love and see how it feels. god will pay you back. the hate is too great !!! I have learnt a lot of lessons in this lifetime I didn't need to learn at the hands of fucking stupid idiots. I have met a lot of spastic stupid mongrel troll-tard parasitic evil people who enjoy hurting others. well I can play that game. done that before.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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