i love her Unfortunately full of jealousy and clinginess I have this undying sadness whenever I...

am alone. I am in the middle of a breakdown because I feel the need to talk to people but I can't. It is usually with my girlfriend,, but it also when I see other people talking to each other I get jealous and... depressed? I feel like i have nobody. Is there a way to get rid of this feeling? (sorry if this is in the wrong category but i don't really know where this would go) but I just had a baby with someone else i am a confused teen who masturbates and feels empty doing so and never allowed friends like other normal people til this year things gone crazy. I'm a college graduating student and I have also have a boyfriend and you haven't even graduated high school.

By Anonymous on General,

😆 OMG YES! 🐶 Woof!
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