you could talk to her about it and see why she did it. Maybe there...

is a reason, maybe she is just a cum dumpster. I cheated on my wife on numerous occasions, she isn't very interested in sex, having gone through menopause early. She found out I had cheated on her and cheated with a co-worker. She did it to get even. We had a sit down talk about it and I explained that I cheated because she wasn't interested while I was starving for sex. She did it specifically to hurt me, nothing I ever did was intended to hurt her. Now if she even brings cheating up, I remind her that she tried to hurt me with having sex while she wasn't interested in having sex with me. It gives me way more leverage than I thought it would in our conversations.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜ Lovely! šŸ˜ˆ I love it *Grin!
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