Last night while my husband was making love to me, and before i reach orgasm,...

i mentioned another guy's name I was saying: Oh please George, don't stop !! My husband suddenly stopped, while he kept his "thing" inside me, and he looked at me and asked who is George? I was terrified, and all what i told him was that i didn't say "George", but i said "Jack", which is my husband's name. He continued his lovemaking, but I could feel his mind was thinking, because his "thing" become suddenly flaccid and soft. What irritates me is that he might not believed my answer. He later, went to the living room and slept there, and he didn't kiss me goodbye in the morning before he heads to his office. I don't know what to do. p.s. George was someone I used to go out with before I got married to Jack, and I thought I forgot him, but I guess I didn't.

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜‡ I Forgive you! šŸ˜œ Thats hot
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