this old slut who said to me "oh we don't care about homeless people...

dear we have a warm bed and we don't care" how would it be if I walked around saying I don't care about people with any of their problems then? but no, nice polite good hearted me always nice and understanding helps others politely. words failed me after that old slut said that to me and I wanted to cry at work in the medical office and couldn't. I hope you died of a heart attack or homelessness by now you were so old and useless to society and selfish and rude old slut! you should have been bashed up for talking about homeless people like that, when I was at law school any comment insulting homeless and you would have been told off ! but you. oh you, can't care for anyone but yourself. and you have no shame in it either. your a disgusting disgrace!

By Anonymous on General,

šŸ˜˜ Lets hug šŸ˜² OMG NO!
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